ROM Setup The first thing to deal with was the ROM files for Space Invaders. I first combined all the 2kB chunks of the rom into one 8kB file. I then wrote a small script (romgen.c [
Space Invaders (Emulating the 8080) - Introduction
Introduction This is a project I've started a few months ago. I know there are already tons of 8080 emulators out there but I wanted to try my hand at one as well. I'm writing this emulator in C with
Uploading and Serving files for Ghost Blogs
Since Ghost does not allow you to upload and show files by default, this tutorial will show you how to serve files out of the same server as your ghost installation.
BodBot Review - The dangers of AI Strength Programming
The concept of an AI adapting a workout program is aluring, yet in practice I felt BodBot completely missed it's mark
Guild Sim Project
This is a little rust project I've been working on in my free time. It's a really simple little game called guild sim where you play as a medieval worker trying to become the mayor of the city and hold
Old Gallery Page Link
I've imported the old gallery page and images from the old wordpress blog. You can access them here []
Switching from WordPress to Ghost
After about 6 years of originally starting this blog, I'm officially switching from Wordpress to Ghost.